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myoga is methodical, mindful yoga classes

with you at the centre.

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A yoga practice is excellent for releasing tension, and sometimes that tension is not always in the body. It can also be in the heart or in the mind.


myoga provides a welcoming and safe space to uncover you, your timing, your way, your peace, in this moment.

Life gets busy, and you get exhausted. It’s easy to skip the “extras” that keep you grounded and calm.

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We practise Iyengar yoga.

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Iyengar yoga focuses on precise alignment and technique. But that doesn’t mean that you have to be any one else’s perfect.

With the individual attention of myoga’s experienced teachers, we’ll gently guide your body into the correct postures, using supports and props as needed for various abilities and injuries so that the body and the mind can communicate with each other, revealing your inner self. Your perfect.

It’s about aligning your body so you can align with your breath & mind.

Our values

Our values

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Make it stand out.

  • We value balance.

    Any pleasure can quickly become a poison. Any poison we shun may just be the medicine we need. Is each moment ever fresh? Or are we stuck in our grooves, our patterns and if so, are they helping or hindering us? Can we see an alternate point of view? Find compassion and joy amongst the weeds?

  • We value you.

    We value your agency to choose. We'll meet you where you are and invite you to stay the course; to see where you might arrive.

    We understand that learning is a personal journey. How does one learn, learn to learn, learn to teach? These questions are constantly top of mind for us.

  • We value time.

    We start on time, we finish on time, we expand time and space. Stretch you and stretch time, learn to observe moments. Noticing the cliff edge before you jump, fall or are pushed is a skill - noticing when you're fading, rising. Noticing what you need takes time.

  • We value curiosity.

    We value enquiry, curiosity and wonder about what's possible. It's our job to support and challenge, to scrub and polish. Not to become caught in the weeds of psychological drama or theoretical discourse, though we can also go there, but in an embodied, direct to the cells kind of way.

  • We value cleanliness.

    In thoughts and actions, in physical and digital spaces, we value cleanliness. Internal and external landscapes require attention.

  • We value practice.

    We create the space, and we strive for consistency in an inconsistent world. Repetition for repetition’s sake is monotonous and unsustainable.

    If i'm here for your entertainment, that's not going to last. Yoga is not a competition and certainly not a performance.

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A passionate level 2 Iyengar teacher on path since 1992, certified since 2010 and always learning. Some days I'm easily distracted, chasing the next shiny thing, always ready to fly the flag, build the sandcastle and sail the boat of an exciting idea. Mostly though, I've steadied the ship and learned to see beyond and more quickly.

I've taught in large and longstanding schools and Ashrams, and I've taught private classes, retreats and workshops. I've taught private students and a class of 250. Each class teaches me, and I delight in watching students glimmer the alchemy that yoga offers. I have such gratitude to continue this work.

Once upon a time I sang love songs to another, then I sang love songs to yoga, now I sing them to myself.

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Our founder

Kellie Brett

Our teachers

Come meet us on the mat.

See what a consistent yoga practice will do for you.

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